Deploy 802.1x certificates on native Microsoft phones
A blog post from our Service Factory: Every year it gets a bit quieter between the days and we have time to test different topics in our...
Deploy 802.1x certificates on native Microsoft phones
sip-all FQDNs will not be supported starting March 1st, 2022
Webinars in Teams
Der digitale Wandel und die Unternehmensresilienz
Microsoft Azure Communications Services
Vorteile von Microsoft Teams Cloud Voice
Whitepaper: To Cloud or not to Cloud? Ist das immer noch die Frage?
Besprechungs- und Konferenzraumlösung für Ihre Skype for Business oder Teams Umgebung
ALL-IP, Smooth Migration to SIP, respectively Microsoft Teams or Zoom
Tasks from Planner and To Do coming to Teams end of Q2 2020
Microsoft Teams Interactive Training
Microsoft 365 Business Voice for Small Medium Business global available | Office 365 Name Change
Local Media Optimization for Direct Routing (SBC's) is here!